Monday, July 23, 2012


This past week we went to the premier of The Dark Knight Rises. Can I just say that it was epically amazing! Our family REALLY likes batman. Colton's favorite thing to do is walk around the house saying "I'm Batman" in his batman voice. He is pretty good at the voice, I definitely am not good at the voice. Anyway, I will not bore others with our liking for batman, it is probably a little unhealthy for two grown people but sometimes you have to embrace your inner child :) However before I leave the topic of our Batman obsession I would like to share a link to one of our favorite things to look up on youtube. 

We thoroughly enjoy the how it should have ended videos. It is our favorite thing about new movies with the exception of the midnight premier of the actual movie. If you get nothing else from this post hopefully it causes you to go to and watch all the how it should have ended videos. Well at least the ones you have seen the real version of. They aren't funny if you haven't seen what they are making fun of.

Anyway back to the premier. I'm not gonna spoil the movie by any means because that is just plain rude. I would hate to take the first time experience away from anyone but I will say that it was bat-tastic ;)

 We went with Colton's cousins (Shaun, Jeremiah, Kirsten) and Jill and then Kirsten had a few friends that met up with us and Shaun brought his girlfriend Ashley. We got there at like 9:30 and almost made it on tv because channel 3 news was doing their report in front of where we were standing, but then the line moved and we made it inside away from the camera. We played a few games of UNO while we waited in line and found that it is a much more fun game when it is played with more than 2 people which is how Colton and I are used to playing UNO. All in all it was a fun night and we got to watch Batman for almost 3 hours so you can't really go wrong there!
 I will admit that there were some tears shed at the end of the movie and I felt like a fool because you are NOT supposed to cry when you go to super hero movies. However I think Batman holds a deep enough place in my heart that I am allowed to cry during the final installment of the Batman trilogy.

Other than Batman our weekend wasn't too exciting. I worked and then Colton worked and we were on our opposite schedules as usual, just living the life of working married people :) Oh I am forgetting that we did get to see some of my family's friends from Texas this weekend! The Smith's have been our friends for like forever. I was 5 when we moved to Texas and it was close to that time that we met the Smith family. We usually get to see them once a year when they go Utah for family reunions and stuff. It was nice to see them. Little side note... they have a son who is 17 named Aaron. He is one of my favorite members of that family. He is just a goof and he always kept us laughing when we were younger. Anyway, he kind of resembles Justin Bieber. I guess he has been stopped several times by hormonal teenage girls that want a picture with him because of this resemblance. It is a hard life to be the Biebs look-a-like so he told these girls once that they could get a picture with him for a dollar. They gladly paid up ;) 
Before the Smith's left my grandma (aka G or G-dawg) asked Aaron if she could have a picture with him for a dollar. She got her picture and then had to scout for loose change in her car to pay up.
 My grandma is funny.

That sums up life in the Jensen home as of late. This next month will have a little more excitement to share! 
It will be nice to have more to report on around here.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lemonjello, Orangejello, La-A

Most people would see Lemonjello and Oragejello and just think someone forgot the spaces between the words, however in this case they would be wrong. Those are in fact names. 
Lemonjello pronounced lem-onj-ello
Oragejello pronounced Or-onj-ello
La-A I guess is pronounced la-dash-a
I haven't yet decided which is my favorite name but I think they are all creative to the point of funny.

Anywho now that it is July 16th and we are almost two weeks past the 
4th of July
I should probably blog about all the holiday/general fun we've been having :)

First we must highlight my Auntie Tonda's 3rd of July party which is my family's 4th of July prequel.
Unfortunately this year we had that terrible fire right before the 4th of July that was no bueno. All of the damage that happened and all that those families lost is just terrible and our thoughts are definitely with those people. I can't even imagine going through that experience.

 Anyway, because it was so dry and activities involving fire weren't the safest, the 3rd of July party had to be altered a little. Typically we would have some huge firework show with a program listing all of the fireworks that were let off and a good mix of songs celebrating America. This year though my Aunt had to get SUPER creative to keep the tradition alive. 

We began as usual with our recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the Pledge, my Uncle set up his projector and we watched legit firework displays from youtube.

 Enjoying the show!

The cool spinning glow sticks that we called 
"ground blooms" 
since we couldn't use the real ones.

Since we couldn't play with sparklers, my aunt bought everyone a glow stick and we twirled those around instead! It was so creative and still tons of fun, though next year I would much prefer the real stuff

For the 4th, me and the husband had to work :( but I shouldn't complain because we both had that night off and we got to watch the fireworks still. 

We worked like completely opposite of each other, so I have basically no pictures from the 4th of July except this one...

 We were happy to see a flag in this year's 4th of July parade

And this one... 
Our ward entered a float in the parade... It was cute and it won an award!

And this one... 

We watched the fireworks at Colton's parent's house. Their backyard is the fairgrounds which makes it a  prime firework watching spot. 
And there was free food. 
We like free food...
After Theeeee Biggest Show in Idaho! we went in the front yard and lit some of our own fireworks and the kids played with sparklers. We only burned one of them. I call that a success with sparklers and children. 

That night we stayed at Colton's parents because the next morning we were leaving at 7:30 to go to Bountiful for his cousin Brant's sealing. It was such a tender moment being there for their sealing.
They have a little girl and being able to see their little family sealed together for eternity was pretty amazing. It was so awesome to be able to share that experience with them and to share in the happiness. Unfortunately I was not on top of things so I don't have a picture with them but here are some from after the sealing as we were waiting to go to lunch at Chuck-A-Rama.

 This is Colton's cousin-in-law Scott. 
We asked him to take a picture and this is what we got.
 It was too good not to post.

 Once we got Scott to take a picture of us, 
Colton's other cousin Armando decided to pop into the photo. 
It was also too good not to post.

It was a good day in Bountiful :) We are so happy for Brant and Mercedez.

Nothing super exciting happened between July 5th and July 15th,
Well aside from the day of a million birthdays 
Colton has an uncle and cousin with July 12th birthdays and I have a brother and cousin with that birthday. 
It's a busy day for us

 On the 15th, which was yesterday, we headed to Sandy, Utah for Colton's Mission President's homecoming. Colton has been looking forward to this for like a year and a half, needless to say he was pretty excited. 

The meeting started at 9 so in order to get there early enough to get a seat and talk to some of his mission friends, we had to leave here at 5:30 in the morning. We are NOT morning people and I had been getting up at 5:30 every other day of the week so it was difficult but we made it out of Pocatello on time and had plenty of time to talk to people and get really good seats :) Because things were a little crazy, this is the only picture I have of the day but it is a pretty cool picture.

There was fog for most of the trip there but at this point it just looked cool because you could see the top and bottom of the fog line. Crazy clouds... if it were dark it would have just been eerie. 

Anyway, before the meeting started, we were able to say hi to President Sorensen and his wife which I think made Colton pretty happy. He really loves the Sorensens. They both gave great talks and between them all of the missionaries from the Ohio Cleveland Mission got up and sang their mission song. It was a tender moment with a lot of crying missionaries. 

After the meeting, we met up with a bunch of Colton's companions and other friends from his mission. I wish I could say that I remember all of them but there were a lot of people crammed into a short period of time. They were all so nice though and it was great to get to meet the people my husband used to write me about while he was on his mission and put faces to the names. We went to President Sorensen's house and had some food and then decided we should head home. All in all it was a great day and it was fun to meet everyone and for Colton to see all of his friends. 

Now we are back to normal life where we have to work and do not as fun stuff. But we both have Friday off so we will be having a date night... as soon as I figure out what we will be doing ;) 
It will be great I'm sure


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Family Reunion and Cousin Camp :)

So these last few weeks have been CRAZY for us. On the 22nd of June my Rasmussen family had our family reunion. It was SO fun to see all of my cousins and aunties and uncles. It seems like it has been forever since we have all been together. Anyway, we had a camp out in my Aunt Tonda's backyard Friday night and then on Saturday we all got up, ate an amazing breakfast of strawberry covered waffles and sausage and eggs and then we went to Cherry Springs for a couple of hours. It was fun to just hang out and laugh and be crazy with the people that I love :)

Family pictures :) We are a little crazy!

So a few months ago my mom decided that she wanted to have all of my younger cousins stay for a week after the family reunion for what she called Cousin Camp. 
I am not going to lie, I thought she was crazy to want to have 13 to 14 kids at her house for a week but she solicited my help and I felt I should comply with her request. We started the week with a trip to the zoo!

 Trying to be like Bears... some of us were better at it than others

Me and little buddy Fred (or Hayden depending on who you talk to)

This was the first time I have been to the Pocatello Zoo that I can consciously remember. My mom says she took me as a child but I have no recollection of ever going so I felt very accomplished after this trip. After the zoo everyone went swimming but I had to go to work :( I hear swimming was fun though!

The next day was by far the most creative, exciting, and fun day I have had in a while. 
My lovely Auntie Dawna is probably one of the most creative people I know and she always has the coolest ideas for fun activities. So when my mom suggested having Cousin Camp my auntie Dawna suggested we celebrate a YEAR in a DAY we don't get to celebrate all holidays together.

We started the year with New Years by waking the teenagers up banging on pots and pans and screaming happy new year at the top of our lungs. Oh man did they love that ;) 
We then gathered in the kitchen and had confetti pancakes for breakfast
 yummy confetti pancakes!

After New Years comes valentine's day :) We all sat down and decorated sugar cookies. They turned out way cute and some a little funny.
 Colton ate his before I could get a picture so these are really mine 
But his looked a lot like this

 My cousin Harland told Tonda,
 "Look I decorated my cookies with pancakes." 
Somewhere in that pile are his cookies
We then celebrated St. Patrick's day. Anyone who wasn't wearing green got a pinch. 
Unfortunately for us most of the kids were actually wearing green and those of us that knew we were supposed to wear green didn't have any on. 
After our pinching war we had all of the kids prank each other for April Fools day while the adults cleaned up the valentine's day mess and got ready for Easter. We dyed eggs and then had an Easter egg hunt. We also  had some Cascarones which are hollowed out eggs filled with confetti that you crack on people's heads. So as the kids found eggs they would crack the Cascarones on each others heads.
 The cute Easter baskets Danielle made for the kids
After Easter we celebrated Memorial Day. We went out to the cemetery and decorated Baby Dillon's grave. I would post that picture because it was cute but my camera battery died and I had to use Colton's camera and I don't know where the cable to connect it to the computer is so maybe later I can add those pictures.
On that camera is also pictures of our left over sugar cookies that we decorated with Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and confetti sprinkles to cover all the holidays. We also had a pinata for our everyone birthday party. 
After the Birthday party we went to Hannah's softball game for the "summer" portion of the year. 
Following the summer come some of the most fun holidays of the year. First up... Halloween! We got everyone in costumes and went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood to some friends houses. Some of the people even played along and dressed up and decorated their house with some Halloween decor.
Getting ready to Trick-or-Treat
After Halloween we celebrated Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving in a pan. Basically it is a casserole idea for real Thanksgiving leftovers. You put mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, and corn or green beans in a pan, cover it with gravy and top with cheese and there you have the essentials of Thanksgiving all in one pan.

Thanksgiving dinner!
Next up is everyone's favorite holiday... CHRISTMAS!! Well at least that is me and Colton's favorite. Unfortunately Colton had to work after Easter so he missed our favorite holiday :(
Before we started, we ate our birthday cake from earlier in the day. Then we opened our gift exchange presents from each other. Everyone loved their presents and was happy to have some new toys to play with. 
After the gifts were opened, my mom told everyone to get on their gloves, scarfs, and hats because we were going caroling! They all thought she was kidding but she was very serious.
 Our group of Carolers :)
We caroled to the same people we trick-or-treated too however this time we didn't tell them we were coming so they got a nice little surprise at the end of their day.
Once Christmas comes to an end, the year is also close to an end. 
At that point in the day it was pretty dark so it seemed like an appropriate time to let off some New Year's fireworks. We all sat outside my parent's house and counted down from 10 to 1 and yelled happy new year and watched a couple of fountain fireworks. The kids then played with sparklers and we all sat down and enjoyed the end of a very good year.  
The rest of the week was fun. We had a water day on Wednesday including a mud hole my dad made in his backyard. I missed that so I am gonna have to have a mud day in the near future! 
On Thursday we had a sidewalk chalk art competition. 
 Me and Colton's entry in the sidewalk chalk competition

Following the competition we went to the stake center and played in the gym for a couple hours. 
At 4:30 we went and saw Brave. It was a cute movie and surprisingly most of the kids sat still and didn't disrupt the whole theater. 
Most of the kids went home on Thursday night so there weren't many of us that went and enjoyed the 
slip n' slide we set up at Bart's field. It was a blast though! After slip n' sliding we went bowling and I almost lost to a 5 year old. That shows how awesome my bowling skills are, even with bumpers.
That pretty much wraps up the last two weeks of our lives. We had SO much fun spending time with my cousins and the rest of my family :) Now this week we have the 4th of July and Colton's cousin's sealing to attend. We are so excited for them and to be a part of their day! But that has yet to happen so I will catch up on that when it happens!  Now I am off to my Auntie Tonda's 3rd of July party! No fireworks this year but it will still be fun to hang out with more family!